Monday, March 18, 2013

Today's tired moments! :)

Hello everyone! Today I am just tired, and ready to fall asleep, but not before writing about the crazy events that occured! Me and my trusty companions planned to make Chicken 65 and Sacher Torte today! We went to buy what seemed to be all the ingredients for the two dishes...but later, after being about half way into making the dishes, we had to go back to the store and get the remaining ingredients we missed on our first trip! :D All in all, both dishes came out great! The Chicken 65 tried giving us a bit of trouble, but it was nothing for us. As for the Sacher Torte, it felt like it took forever to bake, but in the end totally worth it! ;). We used almost 5 hours to cook both recipes!! D:
Anyways, I will post both the recipes for Chicken 65 and for the Sacher Torte tommorow along with the pictures of how ours came out!
Thanks for reading, now I got to sleep :P!!! Cooking makes me tired, but I love the feeling of accomplisment when you are eating the fabulous food you made with your own two hands! :D
To all of you great people who read this, have a wonderful day or night! And THANKS for reading!
Love you all!
Yiri Cardoso <3 :)

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