Monday, March 25, 2013

African Dishes Made! :)

Hello Everyone, 
I hope everyone is doing very well, today I had a very busy day, but I still managed to cook two dishes with the help of my friend. We cooked an African food dish, and dessert. The food dish is called Moroccan Chicken. the dessert dish is a Hungarian Style Walnut Tart. I will post the recipes later tonight, or tomorrow for all you brave souls who would like to try and make these dishes. I personally thought they very relatively easy, but I guess it depends on experience. I thought both of them were very good! :) Well I hope you all enjoy these two dishes! A special thanks to my friend Natalie Hernandez for helping me cook these two wonderful dishes! :D Last but not least, Thanks to all you amazing people who read my blog! :) Have a great day or night! <3
Yireth Cardoso   

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flluffy Chocolaty Sacher Torte :}

Hello Amazing People, 
This dish I have so much to say about, but I will try an keep it short! This is an Austrian Chocolate Cake. I guarantee you that this is the fluffiest, chocolatyest, mouthwatering cake you will ever try! I could not stop eating eat, and I physically had to stop myself, that is why I have come to blog about it, or else I would be stuffing my face right about now.. :D LOL!!! Anyways here is the recipe we used, and the picture of how our Sacher Torte turned out. I hope you guys like it!
Another Special thanks to Arpan Ganguly for the recipe recommendation, and  Jokabet Hernandez, and Anaysa Urbano For helping me make this cake! :)
Also, THANKS to all and everyone who reads my blog! Love You and have a great day or night! <3 :)
Yiri Cardoso

Sacher Torte
6 egg whites
6 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped
½ cup butter
6 egg yolks
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
½ cup sugar
¾ cup all purpose flour
2/3 cup apricot preserves

  1. Let egg whites stand at room temperature in a very large bowl for 30 minutes. Grease and lightly flour a 9-inch round cake pan. Set aside.
  2. Melt chocolate and butter in a medium saucepan over low heat; cool. Stir egg yolks and vanilla into the cooled chocolate mixture. Set mixture aside.
  3. Beat egg whites with an electric mixer on medium to high speed until soft peaks form (tips curl). Gradually add sugar, about 1 tablespoon at a time, beating about 4 minutes or until stiff peaks form (tips stand straight).
  4. Fold about 1 cup of the egg white mixture into chocolate mixture. Fold chocolate mixture into remaining egg white mixture. Sift about one-third of the flour over the egg mixture; gently fold in. (If the bowl is too full, transfer mixture to a larger bowl.) Repeat twice, sifting and folding in one-third of the flour at a time.
  5. Spread batter into the prepared pan. Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Completely cool cake in the pan on a wire rack. Remove sides of pan. Brush crumbs from edges of cake. (Top crust will be slightly flaky.) Remove bottom of pan from cake.
  6. Heat preserves in a small saucepan until melted. Press apricot preserves through a sieve; cool slightly.
  7. To make the glaze, Melt the cup of semisweet dark chocolate, and mix thoroughly with the boiling water. Set aside until ready to use.
  8. To assemble, cut cake horizontally into two even layers. Place the bottom layer on a large serving plate. Spread the preserves on top of the cake layer on plate. Top with the second cake layer. Pour Chocolate Glaze over torte, spreading as necessary to glaze top and sides completely. Let torte stand at room temperature at least 1 hour before serving. 

Enjoy! :) 

Credit for this recipe goes to this site.

Chicken 65 Recipe!!! :)

Namaste everyone! 
I am posting up the recipe for Chicken 65. Far all you who don't know, this is an Indian dish. Me and my friends took a bit of time to make it, but gosh! in the end it was totally worth it!! :D For anyone who hasn't tried it, I really encourage you to, it is one of my favorite dishes now! Anyways Here is the recipe and the picture of our dish. 
A special thanks to Arpan Ganguly for the recipe recommendation, and Jokabet Hernandez and Anaysa Urbano, for helping me out. Also to all you awesome people who read my blog, DHANYAWAAD/THANK YOU!!! :) I greatly appreciate it! Love you all and I hope you enjoy this recipe of Chicken 65!!! <3
Yiri Cardoso 

Chicken 65
2 lbs. Chicken (boneless, skinless thighs) 
2 teaspoons Corn Flour
2 teaspoons All Purpose Flour
1 egg
1 ½ teaspoon Ginger(Paste)
1 ½ teaspoon Garlic(Paste)
2 teaspoon Red chilli powder
12 Green Chillies
2 cups Yogurt
4 drops Food Coloring(Red)
3 teaspoons Lime Juice
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon Garam Masala
Vegetable oil for frying


  1. Cut chicken into cubes. Cut Green chillies lengthwise and set aside until ready to use.
  2. Mix corn flour, all purpose flour, egg, ginger paste, garlic paste, chilli powder and salt to make a thick batter. Add water if required.
  3. Add chicken pieces to the batter and marinate for an hour.
  4. Add the chicken in a deep fryer or large pan one at a time so they don’t stick to each other. Deep fry the marinated chicken pieces till they turn golden. 
  5. Heat 4 teaspoons of oil in a sauce pan and add chopped chillies, yogurt, garam masala, red food coloring, a little salt and fried chicken pieces.
  6. Remove from heat. Place on a plate, and squeeze fresh lime juice on the chicken.

Enjoy! :)

Credit for this recipe goes to this site.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Today's tired moments! :)

Hello everyone! Today I am just tired, and ready to fall asleep, but not before writing about the crazy events that occured! Me and my trusty companions planned to make Chicken 65 and Sacher Torte today! We went to buy what seemed to be all the ingredients for the two dishes...but later, after being about half way into making the dishes, we had to go back to the store and get the remaining ingredients we missed on our first trip! :D All in all, both dishes came out great! The Chicken 65 tried giving us a bit of trouble, but it was nothing for us. As for the Sacher Torte, it felt like it took forever to bake, but in the end totally worth it! ;). We used almost 5 hours to cook both recipes!! D:
Anyways, I will post both the recipes for Chicken 65 and for the Sacher Torte tommorow along with the pictures of how ours came out!
Thanks for reading, now I got to sleep :P!!! Cooking makes me tired, but I love the feeling of accomplisment when you are eating the fabulous food you made with your own two hands! :D
To all of you great people who read this, have a wonderful day or night! And THANKS for reading!
Love you all!
Yiri Cardoso <3 :)


Here is one of the delicious dishes I made today. It comes from Thailand, and it is called Shrimp Pad Thai. This dish can also be made with any other type of meat, and in my opinion tastes great with any type of meat. It takes about 45- 1 hour to prepare, depending on experience. I take about 30-45 minutes to make it. I have also made Chicken Pad Thai, but I prefer making Shrimp Pad Thai, it takes less time to make. Anyways enough chit-chat, here I will post MY recipe for Shrimp Pad Thai, and YES the picture is the one I made. Once again, Thank you to all of you great people who read my blog. I greatly appreciate it. :)

Shrimp Pad Thai
 16 ounces Thai rice noodles (linguini width)
15-30 medium precooked shrimp
2-3 cups bean sprouts
4-5 green onions
1/3 cup dry roasted unsalted peanuts, chopped
2-3 Tbsp. vegetable oil for stir-frying 
Lime wedges for serving
10-12 Tbsp. Pad thai sauce
Dash of salt and pepper (optional)


  1. Cook the Thai rice noodles according to the package directions.
  2. Chop the onions in about half inch long pieces, and set aside with the bean sprouts.
  3. In a large wok or pan, heat up the vegetable oil and add shrimp, green onions and bean sprouts, mix them together with half of the Pad Thai sauce. Mix evenly. Add dash of salt and pepper for taste.
  4. Drain noodles and add them to the pan. Add the remaining Pad Thai sauce. 
  5. Mix the sauce into the Pad Thai evenly. 

Enjoy!  :)

Japanese Mochi :)

Hello everyone! I was going to post this yesterday but for SOME reason(my dad) my wi-fi got turned off. But her I'm going o post the recipe for Japanese Mochi! This recipe took us a while to make, and I'm not sure we made it correctly. And the recipe is a bit confusing, but in the end it tasted just fine! :) I hope you guys like it! The picture is how our Mochi came out when we finished! A special thanks to my friends Jokabet Hernandez, and Anaysa Urbano  and as always, THANKS to all you wonderful people who read my blog! I love you all! <3

Japanese Mochi Recipe 
1 ½ cups sweet rice flour, plus more for dusting
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/3 cups water
¼ cup sugar
2 tablespoons light corn syrup


  1. Place sweet rice flour and salt in a large bowl and stir until thoroughly combined.
  2. Combine water, sugar, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook, stirring, until sugar is dissolved, about 5 to 6 minutes.
  3. Make a well in the center of the rice flour mixture and pour in the sugar syrup. Stir until all flour is incorporated. Immediately turn dough onto a work surface lightly floured with rice flour and knead until smooth and elastic, about 4 to 5 minutes; dust with more rice flour as needed to prevent sticking.
  4. Pinch off tablespoon-size pieces and, using a floured rolling pin or your hands, flatten into 3-inch circles about 1/8 inch thick. 
  5. Dust rice cakes with rice flour and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator or freezer, or use as desired. 
Enjoy! :) 

Credit for this recipe goes to this site.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today's Dishes :)

Hello again everyone!!!
Today I made Two dishes from my list of 20. For dinner I made Shrimp Pad Thai, and for dessert I made Japanese Mochi ( with the help of my friends) ;). While cooking these two dishes I discovered two things. I had made Chicken Pad Thai before on many occasions, but i found that it took about half the time to make Shrimp Pad Thai, and they are equally as delicious!!! I also discovered that making Japanese Mochi was soooo hard and complicated. Me and my friends, i must admit (mostly my friends), had a very hard time figuring out if we made them correctly. I have to also make another confession, the Japanese Mochi we made was probably nothing like how it's suppose to be made, but it was not all that bad, even though it could have been better. :/
All in all today was a good day, and it was fun cooking with some of my best buddies! I will post the recipes and the pictures for each dish we made today!
Thank you to Jokabet Hernandez, and Anaysa Urbano, for helping me cook these fabulous dishes!
And Thanks to my parents as well as their parents for being our taste-testers!
And lastly, Thank you to all of you wonderful people who read my blog, I wish you all a great day or night! :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Final Recipes!!! :D

Hello Everyone!
I'm so happy to say that I have finally found the 20 recipes I need. 
I will post each individual recipe as I cook it, but for now I will give you all the list of the recipes. They are shown in this order. 
1. Food Dish
2.Dessert Dish

List of Recipes

1. Vegetable Lo Mein 
2. Eight Treasure Pudding Cake
1. Shrimp Pad Thai
2. Khao Niao Mamuang
1. California Sushi Rolls
2. Mochi
1. Chicken 65
2. Sacher Torte
1. Bacalhau com Natas
2.Pastéis de Nata
1. Veal Cutlet Parmasan
2. Cannoli 
1. Boeuf Bourguignon
2. Strawberry&Cream Fraisier Cake
1. Moroccan Chicken
2. Hungarian style Walnut Cake
1. Macarroni Bechamel
2. Ghorayebah
1. Pancit Bihon
2. Hopea

Once again, Thank you for everyone who reads this, and special thanks to Arpan, Myrna, Tiago Andrew, and Bethanie for all the recipe suggestions :) 
Yiri :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 Places, 20 Dishes

I almost have the 20 recipes I need for my project! I have chosen 10 different places around the world as my inspiration for the food dishes :) The list of these is below. 
1. Chinese
2. Thai
3. Japanese
4. Indian :}
5. Portuguese
6. African
7. French
8. Italian
9. Filipino 
10. Egyptian

These are not in any particular order, but there you have 'em! ;) I felt that these places have a  fabulous cuisine, very good in presentation, and taste. Anyways I hope you enjoy each dish I put her. I will add the recipe as well, just in case any of you food crazies like me, get inspired to cook one :D!!!
Thanks for reading my blog, much love to you all!
:) <3


So hello :) starting today I will be starting to post on my blog. Mostly I will be putting recipes for cuisine around the world. Sometimes there might be random posts :)
Anyways, thanks a lot to anyone who reads it and i hope u enjoy!!!
Love you all, and thanks for reading my blog! :)
Yireth Cardoso :) <3